zaterdag 3 oktober 2009

The pigeon religion

In Kerala, we were taken for a ride by our rick-driver (aka Mullet Man).
Not a ride, a real drive that is.
First stop: the uncle's shop (but of course...).
Then a little gem opened up in the middle of a maze of small houses, goats wandering and the 'occasional' pothole: the spice market. A wholesale market filled with beautiful colours,
penetrating scents and women sifting rice.

All of a sudden we had to go to be in time for 'the ceremony at the Jain temple'.
Ignorant about what was going down, Clai and I wandered in, bare foot, for a very amazing and unique, pigeon infested sight.
It was impressive and we were slightly overwhelmed.
Check the movie (though you have to see it in real life)...

We faced the odds of getting pooed with boldness (and success for that matter). I guess they were too busy eating to think about possible targets to attack.

Afterwards, we learned that Jainism prescribes a path of non-violence for all forms of living beings in this world. They're extreme pacifists, eat no animals, believe every living creature has a sould and the monks and nuns sweep the floor in front of them as they walk to prevent stepping on and crushing bugs or insects.
The Jains have an entire hospital in Delhi devoted to caring for the injured and infected feathered friends (mostly pigeons). There are some very contradictory views on this hospital though as some say, some birds would be better off, taken out of their misery.

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