zondag 6 september 2009

No more enlightenment

The path to enlightenment is temporarily interrupted.
No more wandering the streets without earthly possessions.
My suitcases and I have been reunited.
Pity on one hand: I liked living out of other people's closets.
Today Dawn's clothes were up to be worn by yours truly.

But I have no more excuse. Everything is going back to their rightful owners.
And I'm back to my own "dressing".

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Praise the lord ! And even both suitcases at the same time, including a lovely giftwrapping. Viva Lufthansa...

  2. First read today! Looks that you got quiet an adventure already! keep us posted
    PS: greets from Mauro

  3. En vele groetjes terug aan kleine Mauro he! En de mama natuurlijk :-)

  4. Hier is die mama, aaa de valieskes zijn terug ondertussen. Hier de slechtste nacht ooit gehad. Mauro wakker om 23h30- 1h30 - 3h - 5h - 6h. Babies......, who told me I should enjoy every moment ...

  5. Goooooh Vanessaake toch! Dan ben ik hier toch beter af he: MOETEN slapen...
    Maar allee, een chance dat hij voor de rest zo braaf is. Anders zou ge al bijna terug willen gaan werken :-)
