dinsdag 22 september 2009

Sunday afternoon wonder

Sunday morning 7:30,
leaving Leh, 2°C

Sunday morning 8:30,
arriving in Delhi, 28°C

Oh yes... Delhi is hot (and a lot greener than Mumbai).

Random Sunday afternoon road trip: taking in a little world wonder.
The renowned Taj Mahal in Agra ('the Taj' for friends).

(Weather update: 38°C, scorching hot.)

Brace yourself for a sophisticated treat: A stunning white marble construction, meticulously laid out by an ingenious architect about 370 years ago.
Inlays in precious stones, so smooth you'd think they're paintings, citings from the Koran in -what appear to be- letters of equal sizes (but the equal size only obtained through refined optical illusions), 4 symmetric minarets built slightly leaning towards the outside in order not to fall on the dome in case of earthquake.
A marble-ous (pun intended) construction built as a remembrance of a husband to his deceased wife.

The Taj Mahal...
And there was nothing left but to stand there in awe.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hey Sandra, wat een ongelooflijk avontuur ! Ik vind het al kei spannend om te lezen, wat moet het dan voor jou niet zijn om te ervaren ...
    Veel succes nog en tot binnenkort !

  2. Hoi Sandra. Ik volg je verhalen bijna elke dag en geniet ervan. Ik zie de linke elke keer met twitter. Ga zo door. leuk. Yvo
